You are a farmer on Harvest Ranch, and the Harvest Week has arrived like it does every spring. Your goal as a humble farmer is to try to make as much money as possible as you can in the week and get a good grade. Time is limited however, so you'll have to be quick with how you use your tools and field to produce money quickly. How fast can you harvest?



Use LEFT CLICK to select and deselect items, and RIGHT CLICK while selected to delete an item.

While an item is selected use ARROW KEYS to rotate!

Click on a chicken to select it and click on a nest to put it there.

Use arrow keys in order to rotate a selected item.

On mobile use the on-screen buttons!



0-20 Money: F

21 - 30 Money: D

31 - 40 Money: C

41 - 51 Money: B

51 - 99 Money: A

100+ Money: S



frodoTimBaku - artist

Mangoworks - programmer

Ode Imaginations - composer


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whoa i loved this, its a great game wow



Love the humor ! Tho it takes a while to get used to those controls...

Glad you liked it! I do agree the controls do take a bit to learn 

Took a while to realise I could click the tiles on the left, after that it made sense! I like the dark humour on the items haha

thanks for playing! im glad you liked the game humor ðŸ˜Ž

Nice game! Takes a while to understand, but it's fun!

thanks for feedback!